Assisted Living Services

Assisted Living Services provide much more comfort than staying in a nursing home and help the elderly feel safer. Staying in the place where the elderly are used to may be beneficial in shortening the disease processes. Elderly people both maintain their independence in their own homes and feel that they are in control.

Providing help and support for elderly

01 visiting the doctor

Transportation and escort to the doctor or hospital

Transportation to the pharmacy, medication request and reminder

Hospital attendant service

white dog

02 Social activities

Help with social activities (hiking, visiting friends)

Caring for client’s pets, including dog walking

Friendship (reading books, hobbies or activities)

Woman Of Fifty In Yellow Sweater And Jeans Washes Dusty Window In Apartment. 50 Year Old Woman

03 Chores



Washing, shaving support

Home cleaning


Young students close-up
Who Is Supporting?

your youth

Our aim in assisted living services is to ensure that the elderly have a good time with young students, while the young people feel the importance of providing a social service by supporting the elders.

Our aim in Assisted Living is not to provide health services/care to our elders, but only to support them in their lives and to make them spend their time happily.

University students support our elders for Health and Social Activities. We assign these students to support them after the interviews made by our human resources department and after the psychological exam.

Matching and assignment are made according to the characteristics of the person to be supported.

After the action/activity, a report is prepared and an evaluation of the actions taken is presented.

Various household cleaning supplies in a bucket


In housework, we get services from professional cleaning companies. The cleaning personnel who will come to the house are those who have received special training on the elderly and have undergone the necessary psychological and behavioral evaluations.

Young female doctor reading a book for old man
female support phone operator

Assisted Living

How do we price?

Our aim is to provide an affordable service for our elders, and for students to earn their daily allowance while providing a useful service to the society.

As Omega Care, we only charge a service fee related to recruitment, training and payment.

We price assisted living services on an hourly basis. It costs a minimum of 2 hours.

We price cleaning services according to the nature of the housework to be done.

Home Health Come to your home.

Let's answer your questions, bring health to your home.

Fill in the contact form and send it to us and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Omega Çare  With its technology-oriented service approach, Home Health Services offers health services in the environment where you feel most comfortable. 

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